This a very rare and precious colour photo of my parents wedding.
As a child I looked through Mums beautifully presented wedding photos...each in it's own folder but they were always in black & white. It wasn't until their Silver Wedding Anniversary that I finally saw a colour photo when my Auntie Pam made a replica of Mums bouquet for the top of the cake.
I must have inherited this picture from Grannies house and found it the other day just as I was browsing for some inspiration to use on my Websters Pages papers.
These papers are so pretty that they need to be cherished and pampered and spoilt. I've said it before it's not always that easy working with an image on the page but don't be afraid of it and don't treat it like it's some floating object...I tried to incorporate the bodice theme into the rest of the layout and match the pewter colour with the butterfly etc. (stunning butterfly from Wendy Kwok scrapbooker extraordinaire)
My own little replica of Mums bouquet......I am tempted to make a blue horseshoe ornament for their next big wedding anniversary!!
My own little version of a dressmakers dummy covered in wired flowers and tulle,
The finished layout....gosh it's a great feeling to make something for me for a change!!

ps: shhhh don't tell anyone but I have got my hands on a stunning Websters Pages kit available in the UK right now!!
See you tomorrow for more...or you could pop over to Bubbly Funk and let you fingers follow your heart!
Love and technicolour photos
Ruth xxx