I should have called this Lo "Mum on Parade" as the place she is standing is called "The Marine Parade"!..... but the Parasol title came to me first!
I thought Dad would appreciate this title, maybe my next Lo could be called Mum on Parade.....?
This Lo was taken from a CISister sketch and was super quick to complete. I keep on thinking it's missing something, but each time I try to add an element it looks overcrowded, probably because of all the different patterned papers on the page. Any way at least it's another one finished for the Deco Album. (yay!!)
This tin originally had a polaroid camera inside it, but it was crying out to be altered. I couldn't bare to part with a cute red velvet dress that Georgia wore on Valentines Day when she was 10 weeks old and I struck upon the idea of treating the tin like a suitcase and keeping the dress inside the tin!! When the tin is opened and the dress removed the words can be read inside the tin. "My First Dress" I also have a photo of her in it and a poem that we wrote for Mark (DH) on Valentines Day 2003!!
Georgia and I have been making PEG DOLLS during the school holidays and I am quite into them although they don't always turn out how I imagined. My bride has alopecia and the Geisha needs a little stamped gold fan but you get the idea huh?
I am thinking of organising a swop on the Paper Paradise Forum for anyone who fancies a change from the norm!!
Trust me they are fun...honest!!!
Tuesday, 29 April 2008
Peg Dolls Promenading with Parasols!!!!
Sunday, 27 April 2008
Missing Mojo
If I wasn't depressed before I am now!!
Each time I check out my own blog I keep expecting to see some action!! However as I am massively ill and have 3 poorly children (well 2 and 1 husband but thats the same right!) I simply haven't had the will to scrap all week. I have dabbled with a couple of altered tins and clipboards, bu the glue made the paper go stretchy and left air-bubbles so that put me on a downer and I have cast them aside!!
We have a particuloarly disgustingly vicious virus in our house (there should be a black cross on the front door) and it has left me with Laryngitis, DD hasn't eaten for a week and had high temp and a cough, DH has all flue symptoms and the baby has a bad cough, loads of mucus and is waking twice during the night for feeding because he hasn't drunk enough during the day!
In the mean-time my "brain" (well whats actually functioning!) has been working on my next layout so hopefully when I get time to start to put it together it will just fall into place!!
I haven't been out walking either and am getting withdrawal symptoms from the lack of fresh air and adult company!!
On a positive note I have lost 8lbs this week just in time to return to week in a fortnight!! ...now then where are those maternity trousers....because I need something to wear to work?
Saturday, 19 April 2008
You make me Giggle!!
Why is it when you are trying to get a beautiful photograph your daughter decides to pull all of her funny faces instead!...
..................I guess sometimes she gets sick of posing for the camera! However I love how natural these came out!
It's not like me to use 3 photos but I really wanted to use ALL of these and I LOVE the colours in her dress.
The little wooden bird and the metal word GIGGLE are painted with Jo Sonjya acrylics and crackled as well.
There is a part of this page that I'm not happy with but I'll leave you to guess what it is!!
TFL xxx
Wednesday, 16 April 2008
Funny Video, but also a cool technique!!
Check this out it's quite funny! But even if you haven't got the stamps! (I haven't) you can store the information away for later!
Tuesday, 15 April 2008
Monday, 14 April 2008
Pink or Blue Challenge
This is my second LO using the same photo. I love this picture because Bens skin looks flawless especially for a new born and now he's covered in milk spots!!
I printed this onto my new canvass paper and it has given it a softer look than the glossy photo, I probably should have reduced the ink levels to make it more dreamy but I'm scared of wasting paper!!
This Lo was created for the Colour Challenge on SB.Com using the colours Pink and Blue (obviously!!). The metal number plate letters were given to me from my MIL and my SIL, one of the blue letters was originally green but I painted it with acyrlic's and you'd never know, actually I ended up painting all the blue ones again just to ensure they were all the same shade! I love the way the colour of the letters is the opposite from what they spell. The Pink is Blue and the word Blue is Pink!
This is my longest Title ever as I normally use only one word, but I think it goes well and it rhymes which is kinda cool!
Hidden underneath the main photo is Tracey Jackson's postage stamp technique which you can find on her blog http://tj-runningwithscissors.blogspot.com/
This took blood, sweat and tears to achieve but it compliments the edging of the Making Memories paper so again I think it was worth it. The little feet are stamped into air drying clay (you need a deep wooden mounted stamp to achieve this effect).
TFL xxxxx
Friday, 11 April 2008
April Paper Paradise Challenge
Sorry I haven't been around we have had a few days in York hanging out with the Vikings oops (I mean Grandparents!).
Georgia and I have been to Sherwood Forest to hang out with Robin Hood!! I took LOADS of wicked photos so I may have to do a mini book to get them all in!
In the mean time.......
I have created this page for the PP challenge, the LO was very quick and easy to copy. I painted all of the edges with 3 shades of blue and brown acrylic paints. The letters are part of the Basic Grey Phresh and Phunky range (and have been in my stash for about 2 years!) I think they are quite a good match to the Periphery Papers. The metal flower inside the fabric ones is a spare one from a skirt (you know the little plastic bags full of buttons and sequins that you keep but never need or need and then you can't find them!!).
I have another copy of this picture printed on canvass so I am hoping to scrap that next in a totally different style all soft and babyish!
Wednesday, 2 April 2008
I am so thrilled to have won both the "BLING" challenge and the "WE LOVE FLOWERS" challenge on Scrapbook.com!!!!! (thanks Linda for the crochet flowers that swung it!!)
I casually entered these two challenges with the CHERISH LO not having a clue what I was doing, how to post them or even what the rules really were!! Then the next thing I know complete strangers are sending me loads of compliments which I thought was nice!! Duhhhh, it took me a few days to click on that I had to respond to them all and then I was so busy doing that every night I haven't done any scrapping since!!
I must say that everyone has been so nice and supportive and I am so overwhelmed by their kindness. I don't think I'll ever get that lucky again!! My fellow scrappers LO's were amazing and the challenge gets tougher each month!
I have kinda become addicted to commenting on peoples comments, and as inspired as I am by other peoples galleries this just isn't helping my own expand!
My ATC for this month is a complete disaster and I am 3 days late so really have to pull my finger out, the trouble with ATC's is they need alot of experimenting with first before I am satisfied and I have 6 very sad looking ones so I am going to start again!!