I set the first challenge at the beginning of May to use an image from a free site. This is the image I chose......it's quite neutral because I didn't find the challenge as easy as I thought I would!! I thought it would be easy to find a cute image and fit it into my layout!! Not!! Although everyone else who entered did really well. The photo of Georgia was taken in a museum that had an Original Victorian photographers studio in it. There was no one around so Georgia put on a costume and I clicked away!! I wish we'd stayed longer and all got dressed up that would've been one for the family album!
I am still having to be inventive as Prima flowers aren't available in Timbuktu but they are available at my local supermarket in the form of a hair clip.
Today is the last day for any entries on A Vintage Affair.......to view them, join the group and take part in the vote click please click here.
Love and ephemera